Part 32: The Puzzle Master's House

[Music: Professor Layton ~ Every Puzzle Has a Solution (Live Remix)]

Really, the easiest way to this is to count the amount of doors to every room. B's the only one with an odd number, so it has to be last.

I guess you can try and solve this like the previous scale puzzles, which does give a minimum of 3 if you think of it like that.

...Huh. Well in that case!

Functionally, when you step back for a moment and think about it, there's really not much to this one. It strikes me as more common sense than anything.

The only problem here is you might not read it carefully enough or something. As a result of that, you might slightly overlook or outright miss one possibility.

There's really no other alternative here. The others rely on getting lucky; this doesn't.

This is just simple mathematics. It's impossible for someone to bow to themself, so that makes it pretty easy to figure out in the end.

6 of the pieces are placed obviously because of the way the wires are lined up. The middle 3 are easy enough too; the top one needs two on the left and two on the right which fits only one square. From there, it's easy to figure out the rest.

[Music: End Theme (Live)]

This is a bit simpler than it might first appear, thankfully. It's pretty obvious from the way its laid out that you need to convert basically everything into a fraction. There's no way to get to 10 otherwise. In this case, it comes out as
(12/4 - 7/4) * 8/1 = 5/4 * 8/1 = 40/4 == 10

Now this one could be a right pain. There's 36 squares to divide, so each quadrant has to have 9 squares in it. That's easy enough, it's the other conditions that are a problem; every quadrant has to have a well and they must all be the same shape. There's two houses and wells that you can loosely split right from the word "go" thanks to being adjacent to each other. It's not immediately apparent which goes where or how that helps, but it's a start at least.

And now what I'm sure you've been waiting for in some capacity:

A sliding puzzle worth 99 picarats!

1. This puzzle is difficult, but as long as you aren't repeating the same moves over and over, you'll eventually extricate the red block. Now stop depending on hints and go try it for yourself.
2. This puzzle takes at least 81 moves to solve. There aren't really any good hints to give, but here's a little trick that might help you. There are two open spaces in the box. As you slide pieces around, make sure you don't separate one open space from the other.
3. As stated in Hint One, you're just going to have to work this puzzle out yourself. However, it seems wrong to give you nothing for that hint coin you spent, so here's a factoid about the puzzle you're solving. In Japan, these types of puzzles have been around for hundreds of years.
Reminder: this video is the optimal solution. It still took about 2 and a half minutes.
At this point, I've basically memorised the fastest way to do it. I checked and even ending up able to do this one (and only this one) optimally, without pausing to cross-reference a solution, it just saves about 20 seconds. Not really worth it.

Well, we've already done all that. In fact, we've now done all 135 regular puzzles, as well as all the alternatives dependent on version and all the DLC too. Y'know just for good measure.

The total number of picarats you'll have at the end is loosely dependent on the version. The total on the left is the European maximum, whereas the total on the right is the US maximum.
Hopefully those of you who hadn't seen this before had as much as I did the first time solving the puzzles, and enjoyed the story too. They could've half-assed everything else, and just made it a glorified vehicle for delivering more puzzles but they put time and effort into making it good too. The real question, though, is can lightning strike twice?